62. The Importance of Knowing Your Numbers as a Founder with Jason Ray

For startups, investors often put a lot of emphasis on cap tables. They want to see a diluted picture of equity ownership among you as a founder, any co-founders or partners, early investors, and key employees before they’ll seriously consider handing over a check to invest themselves in your company. That’s because a healthy cap table illustrates not only your business’s potential for growth in the future, but also communicates to your investors just how solid your judgment is as a CEO.

In this episode, Malcolm Ethridge speaks with Jason Ray about how to tell a compelling story to potential investors. Jason shares why investing in what matters to you as a business owner and to your business doesn’t always sacrifice an investment return, and how it can help attract investors who are interested in your cause. He also dives into why it’s important to know your key performance indicators from the very beginning, why some businesses are hesitant to take loans and how that can prevent them from growing, and what goes into good financial modeling and forecasting.

Jason discusses: 

  • Why investing in ESG doesn’t necessarily mean sacrificing investment returns
  • Why it’s important to get yourself in gear from the very beginning as a business owner and be prepared for a potential investor
  • How a lack of experience with taking out loans and knowing how much they need creates hesitancy, and how that hesitancy can become a hurdle for business growth
  • What goes into good financial modeling and forecasting


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About Our Guest:

Jason founded Zenith Solutions to deliver accessible, high-quality financial education and advice to individuals and institutions. His work is inspired by racial and age wealth inequality that exists in society.

Prior to founding Zenith, Jason helped renovate a longstanding independent wealth advisory firm, Carnegie Wealth Management, by building new technology, private placement structures, and research capabilities. He delivered investment advice and financial plans to families with a net worth upwards of $10M. Earlier in his career, Jason also gained extensive experience evaluating and creating solutions for financial advisors at Lincoln Financial and FS Investments. 


The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only, does not constitute investment advice, and should not be relied upon as such. It should not be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell a security. The views expressed in this commentary are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This writing may contain statements that may be deemed forward‐looking statements. Please note that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. Any projections, market outlooks, or estimates are based upon certain assumptions and should not be construed as indicative of actual events that will occur. Be sure to consult with your tax and legal advisors before taking any action that could have tax consequences. Investments in securities and insurance products are: NOT FDIC-INSURED | NOT BANK-GUARANTEED | MAY LOSE VALUE

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